February 24, 2014

Words To Live By: #dontstopdontquit

I've recently become more than a bit obsessed with spinning. It's a great way to burn calories, sweat out any aggression or tension from the day, and, in general, unwind. Currently, I'm taking most of my classes at Revolve in Clarendon -- and have adopted teacher Grant Hil's motto of "Don't Stop, Don't Quit" for this edition of Words to Live By.

Thought this was worth sharing on this chilly Monday afternoon. No matter if you're looking at another 30 seconds of pushing yourself in a spin class or you're looking to get through a particularly tough week at work, the motto applies. Don't Stop. Don't Quit.

As I face a particularly long week at work, it's inspiration like this that keeps me going. I hope this motivates you too, Deacon fans!

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