August 8, 2010

Belle's Guest Post: Soren Well Concert

Belle hates it when Deacon gets to do fun things without her. In fact, she's going to be really angry this Sunday when Deacon has the chance to see her favorite NYC band Soren Well in DC. While Belle's memories of Velvet Lounge involve a lot of smoky haze and blurred vision, its not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, those nights almost always ended with an impromptu Fatback dance session and at least one awkward run-in with an ex.  Anyway... back to the story:

The melodic guitar heavy band has been compared to everything from the Smashing Pumpkins  to My Bloody Valentine and its been claimed that their reverb-soaked vocal hooks would make The Verve’s Richard Ashcroft proud. They are playing at Velvet Lounge on U Street on August 15th with Tell Tale. Deacon rarely ventures to that part of the city but perhaps a paramour or two will accompany our favorite German.

In the meantime, Belle is stuck to the streets of NYC like gum to the bottom of a shoe.

C'est le vie my loves,


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