Normally, Deacon likes to sniff out the very best in DC events for his personal blog. But today, we're making an exception. One of our restos in regular rotation, Oya, is offering a selection of Illinois wines in celebration of (what else) the inauguration.
We're cool with that - not quite sure the midwest is known for their vino, but still, how bad can it be?
Here comes the gross part. They're also offering Spam sushi. Yes, you heard us right - SPAM, the original meat in a can. Apparently, Hawaiians eat this "delicacy" with rice and thin bits of seaweed, a SPAM nigiri if you will. According to People, Obama likes it as well.
We will acknowledge that during our last trip to Hawaii, where our best friend lived for five years, that we've heard SPAM is a common part of many diets, and it's even on the menu at McDonalds. Hell, we even found a recipe on, so the consumption of this "meat" must be more common than we believe.
But that's not what really gets us - the sucker is $15 a roll. That's more than we pay for a Lobster Roll most places, and we thought this stuff was supposed to be CHEAP!
Leave a comment if you plan to sample the SPAM, or if you've tried this dish before. But unless you're really convincing, we'll pass. Deacon has a delicate stomach. Even he eats organic dog food.
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