January 7, 2009

In Other News: Deacon's Guilty Pleasure

Deacon has a lot of vices, but we excuse them because he's just a puppy. But there's one guilty pleasure that we'll never ask him to give up - his (or, um, McLean's) subscription to Martha Stewart Weddings.

No, we're not married, nor do we have plans to be soon, but we do often WRITE about weddings (for the now online-only ReMarriage and Washingtonian Bride & Groom).

But mostly, it's the joy of a big fat glossy arriving quarterly, packed with all of our favorite things - beautiful clothes, sparkly jewelry, great party ideas, DIY decorating suggestions, beauty tips, and travel ideas.

Unlike other bridal magazines, which are basically just glorified catalogs for wedding dresses, the tips in Martha's mag can generally be applied to most any party. Plus, who DOESN'T fantasize about a day just for you?

And no, we're not one of those people who dreams about floral arrangements and wedding cakes. We've already planned almost everything - a tiny destination wedding to take place at sunset, with a big party for friends back in DC afterwards.

Now telll us, what's YOUR guilty pleasure?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally saw that MS Wedding issue too and almost picked it up yesterday! Guess I'm not too late as am currently sitting at the airport surrounded by magazine stands. :) I even have their engagement ring issue from a couple of years ago saved just because I like looking at shiny blings...oops revealed too much of self.


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